It was only whilst blazing around a track yesterday with strong legs and a heart rate similar to my IQ (i.e. low), that I realised why Keeto is brilliant. He drip fed me my challenges for the month and kept me motivated for the week, allowing me to focus on key sessions. If he had shown me the last month of the Keeto blueprint Ironman training program, I'd have given up in the first week. Instead he told me what I needed to know for the first month, to ensure I didn't get distracted with the bigger picture.
Which is in essence what ultra distance (or any serious challenges) is all about. If you look at the horison, you'll inevitably trip on the rock that lies in front of you. Yes - the horison is key for the planning phase of anything so you know where you want to go, but once the plan has been activated, you need to focus on the simple things which need to be done immediately. Why worry about tomorrow, when today has yet to be accomplished?
This leads me to my thoughts on The Race (which shall have no name, because Mr Marciano says so) which need to broken down into bite sized chunks.
The Swim
Each 1.9k loop is about smooth speed. Aside form the 1st 200 metres of swimming carnage, the rest of the swim is about good smooth strokes with relaxed breathing. Finding a clean pair of feet to draft off is essential so you don't waste energy.
The first transition from swim to bike is all about controlled smoothness and lowering the heart rate. No losing the plot and overtaking slower female pros. Just work your way through the room, get out the wetsuit, put on everything that is in the bag and get onto the bike.
The Bike
One 60k loop of relaxed comfort and watching the testosterone.
A second loop of smooth pedalling and good eating.
The last lap of focusing on hydration, sun screen and positivity.
Freshening up for the fun.
The Run
Hold back for the first lap.
Smooth running for the 2nd loop. Focus on the dark side of the university dead zone.
Third loop - channel everything into the last 10k's. 50 minutes of Rocky Marciano & as Keeto says - unleashing hell! Almost like something Dante would have said.
Now just to survive 3 weeks of taper and controlling the hunger pains and access to the pantry.
As Dante said: "Remember tonight ...for it is the beginning of always."
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